Best Friends

This is my best friend Julia, I love her. we became best friend since Oct 5, 2008.. yes Julia I save all my best friends date if you didn't know. In my Julia's birthday I got mad at her because she did something to me in Social Studies...actually it was Chris and Her making fun of me, but oh well.. yes Julia I have good memory... and I wont let Chris or You make fun of me ever again.. but yea I love you.. =] but I don't want you to do hookah anymore, I know you did it I'm not stupid -_- actually, you did it several times!!  but I still love you, I know you will listen to me and wont do it again. My best friend and I met a friend from Vanguard, ha he's a jerk I don't like himmm.. but I dont care... btw manny's a buttface! haha! Julia you know it.. it was just using us because he didn't have friends at that time... yeaa!!... well w.e next... hahaha I can't stop laughing at what my best friend did with her other three friendss... Alyssa and Vincent and Chris!!! they were stealing shit from stores in downtown... hahaha and Alyssa got caught ( I felt so bad for her though) Chris didn't... he left with his stolen shit and didnt care about Alyssa a bit.. she was in the store.. the guard called her mom and she needed to pick her up.. good times good times...!!  I've been to Julia's house deep in queens in Forest damn hills... but I like that placeee.. maybe someday I would move close to her.. nahhh!! to quiet! lmaooo just kidding... umm umm I like Forest Hills... is sounds like the name of a street in a mysterious book. Everytime I've go to her house her bird is always on my head or in back of me and I freaked out.. naw really!!  is very cute actually... but I make julia take it away from me... Umm also I eat all her shit on her refrigerator because I'm cool like that.  ummm so now you should know some things about Julia.. I would seriously want to share this information with you people because Julia is a great human being and she deserves this piece of writing.. well is a piece of art because I'm writing it deep from my heart . Julia is Brazilian! her food is actually very good. She's a drama major @ Talent Unlimited High school... that's why she's always getting in trouble with the deann..Drama Majors are mad loud and od Hyped.. but I love her...Juliaa is very special in my life... she means EVERYTHING... and when I say EVERYTHING I really mean it... ummm Julia is my best friend, my diaryy.. yes you could say that... she's one of the persons that truelys understands me...umm yes I met Julia's mom before and she's the bestt MOM ever!!... I love her so muchh...we went to the movie theaters...but then we couldn't go in because it was full ! lmaoo funny day though.. I had so muchh fun Julia..but I've haven't forgotten that your mom promise me that she's going to take us soon.. Your the best Julia.. I would never ask for someone better than you because you are just perfect.. well you are not perfect. because you are a human being.. but I still love you and always will...because of who you are!! and your one of my friends that trulys knows the real me and understands me very well... you are just right..better than right..!! you are good money <3 

              She's one of my best friends, we met each other in middle school thebeginning of six grade and since then I knew that me & her would be mad tight!  At first many people didn't like her because she was very feisty also meaning fierce, but I didn't pay no mind to the others because I'm not a follower. Belysa Beltre is a very good dancer, you should see her dancing hip-hop! wowers, she don't play she goes hard core. Well, Belysa goes to Repertory Company High School for the performing arts and that's awesome because she wants to continue her dreams. Also talking about dreams she's a very good model and she's going to make it very far one day =] she lives very close from where I live and that's cool.Theres a lot of good things I can say about this girl, but I think its just too much so I'm going to end up saying my last few sentences. Belysa also known as Beba is the most caring person in the whole world, she defends all her friends every possible way.Her birthday is coming up in October and I'm not going to miss her birthday party and her halloween haunted house.

Belysa Beltre, I love you Best Friend
September 7, 2005
for ever.

I truly love you.

 well, This kid is extremely funny. I've known him ever since I came to the United States. We were in the same elementary school in the same exact class in third grade, four and fifth.  We both audition to the same middle school that had a dance program in it. We both got in and spend three more years together. This kid always made me laugh every single minute, every single second and that's why they separated us in 7th grade because we were always joking around and making fun of people, we were evil.  I still remember the time he got into a paint fight with my other friend Ruby (aww I miss her, wherever shes at.. take care hunn) and there was paint all over.. I even had paint all over my shirt and my face and I was hiding under the table.  I remember when Jose Castillo was gonna fight with me but in the last minute he dicided to fight Richard.... bad decision.. because niggard fuck him up. wow.. we go way back.. he's been like the brother I've never had.. I met like half his family and they are the most sweet Dominicans Ive ever met.. for real .... and His mom... Marissa cooks so damn good... like an expert that works in a restaurant.  He was a entertainment for me and all my classmates.. plus his laugh was so contagious .. damn Rich now that we in highschool I miss you so much because your laugh is so unique and i wont ever hear again in a classroom...but that's good that you doing your carrier as economic and finance....the name of your school!! =] wow.. Richie you was a great performer and you should continue to dance, seriously !

  • Richard Eduardo Gonzalez
  • Frebruary 2, 1994
  • Economics and Finance High School
  • Favorite Color is Blue
  • Twin siblings Cristal and Cristian
  • Younger sister Mariel
  • Marissa [Mother]
  • Eduardo [Father]