Sense of Style

Meet my sense of Style

Spanish Project Essay

        !Hola! Mi nombre es Hosbel Mauricio Hernandez De Peña Martinez. Yo tengo quince años de edad y naci en Santiago, Republica Dominicana. Yo creci en una calle llamada La Altagracia pero mejor conocida con La Calle De La Muñeca por sus gentes amable y por tu belleza. 

               Mi temporada favorita es el inviero por mucha razones. En el invierno mi familia se reune en la Navidad y en el año nuevo. Mi familia es bien grade, todos no cabemos juntos en una casa. Yo me pongo muy contento cuando veo a mi familia reunida. Es mi temporada favorita porque me dan doble regalos, para la Navidad y mi cumpleaños. Yo cumplo mi diesiseis años en el cuatro de Enero del proximo año 2010. Me encanta el invierno porque todo afuera esta cubrido de nieve y se ve muy limpio. No me gusta estar afuera en el Inviero porque se me frian las orejas y la nariz. En el invierno me gustar estar trancado en mi casa escuchando musica o viendo una pelicula, bebiendo chocolate caliente o cafe. Mi tia, Carmen algunas veces me hace arroz con leche o un sancocho de viveres. En el invierno gano mas libras por tanto comer. 

              Mi papa se llama Mauricio Ramon Hernandez y el es un hombre muy trajabador, joven y muy extricto. Mi papa se preocupa mucho por nosotros y eso demuestra el amor que nos tiene. La gente dicen que mi mama se parece mi hermana por joven que es, ella es una mujer muy amigable y comica.  Mi mama se llama Yokasta Maria Hernandez. Ella tiene el mismo apellido que mi papa porque estan casado. Mi hermana se llama Yosmaril Del Carmen Hernandez y tiene trece años de edad. Mi papa la regaña mucho porque es muy traviesa y tambien el le da muchos consejos porque los niños de ahora no son nada faciles y ella se tiene que quidarse mucho. Yo tengo un hermanito que nacio en Los Estados Unidos. Mi hermanito se llama Yomauro Hernandez y tiene seis años de edad. Yomauro es muy inteligente y travieso. El se le manda corriendo a mi mama cuando ella lo busca a la escuela y ella no lo puede agarrar, y es muy inteligente porque el ya sabe usar la computadora mas que yo con solo seis años. 

            Mi familia es muy especial para mi. Dios me dio el regalo mas bello de este universo y le doy mucha gracias. Yo soy catolico, hice mi primera communion en la iglesia de Santa Elizabeth en Washington Heights. Yo no boy a la iglesia todos los domingos porque creo que dios siempre esta contigo y si tu crees en el y lo quieres el te querera tambien y te proctejera. Yo solamente visito la iglesia cuando hay eventos especiales o cuando alguien me invita. Mi familia es muy religiosa, Mi abuela Bienvenida es una resadora de orasantas. Algunas veces yo la acompaño a rezar con ella y me gano propina solamente por acompañarla. Mi abuelo Federico tiene la habilidad de curar enfermos, cuando yo no me siento bien el me cura. Yo tengo mucha famila alrededor de los Estados Unidos, Republica Dominicana y en Netherland, Curacao.

          Yo soy una persona muy complicada y honesta. Yo digo todo lo que sale de mi boca y eso me busca muchos problemas. Yo no tengo miedo de hacer preguntas. Desde chiquito siempre me a gustado el baile y soñaba de ser un gran bailarin y estoy en el camino de lograr mi sueño. Yo camino con mi cabeza para arriba ignorando todas las males influencias en mi alrededor. Yo no tengo mejores amigos, pero si tengo muchos. Yo estoy en la escuela mas jenial del mundo, Talento Unlimitado. Todos mis amigos en la escuela son muy talentosos y divertidos

         Lady Gaga es una de mi cantante favorita. Es la mujer que yo mas admiro porque es muy bella y creativa. Su estilo es moderno y muy interesante. Trey Songz y el grupo Aventura son mis favoritos tambien porque sus cansiones dejan un mensaje fuerte y las letras son romanticas y tambien todos cantan muy bien. Mi pelicula favorita se llama "Yuniol" porque es una pelicula que me llamo mucho la atencion. Esta pelicula demuestra cosas que pasan en la Republica Dominicana que yo he vivido y visto con mis propios ojos. Esta pelicula tambien les da un buen ejemplo a todos los niños para que persigan sus sueños y logren lo que quieren hacer en la vida.  Mi libro favorito es Amor and Summer Secrets por Diana Rodriguez Wallach porque es muy interesante y me enseño que en el mundo hay muchos lugares que explorar como Puero Rico, Venezuela, Cuba, Hawaii, Bahamas y mucho paises mas, y por este libro ahora yo quiero explorar el mundo con una camara en mis manos. 

Persepolis 2 Vocabulary Project

  • Deduced page 1 –verb

1. to derive as a conclusion from something known or assumed; infer: From the evidence the detective deduced that the gardener had done it.
2. to trace the derivation of; trace the course of: to deduce one's lineage.

  • Incompetent page 3–adjective

1. not competent; lacking qualification or ability; incapable: an incompetent candidate.
2. characterized by or showing incompetence: His incompetent acting ruined the play.
3. Law. a. being unable or legally unqualified to perform specified acts or to be held legally responsible for such acts.
b. inadmissible, as evidence.

–noun 4. an incompetent person; a mentally deficient person.
5. Law. a person lacking power to act with legal effectiveness.

  • Ingratitude page 3 –noun

the state of being ungrateful; unthankfulness.

  • Acquainted page 4–adjective

1. having personal knowledge as a result of study, experience, etc.; informed (usually fol. by with): to be acquainted with law. 
2. brought into social contact; made familiar: people acquainted through mutual friends.

  • Ferocious page 4 –adjective

1. savagely fierce, as a wild beast, person, action, or aspect; violently cruel: a ferocious beating. 
2. extreme or intense: a ferocious thirst.

  • Imperative page 5 –adjective

1. absolutely necessary or required; unavoidable: It is imperative that we leave. 
2. of the nature of or expressing a command; commanding.
3. Grammar. noting or pertaining to the mood of the verb used in commands, requests, etc., as in Listen! Go! Compare indicative (def. 2), subjunctive (def. 1).

–noun 4. a command.
5. something that demands attention or action; an unavoidable obligation or requirement; necessity: It is an imperative that we help defend friendly nations.
6. Grammar. a. the imperative mood.
b. a verb in this mood.

7. an obligatory statement, principle, or the like.

  • Denomination Page 5 –noun

1. a religious group, usually including many local churches, often larger than a sect: the Lutheran denomination. 
2. one of the grades or degrees in a series of designations of quantity, value, measure, weight, etc.: He paid $500 in bills of small denomination.
3. a name or designation, esp. one for a class of things.
4. a class or kind of persons or things distinguished by a specific name.
5. the act of naming or designating a person or things 

  • Discreetly page 9–adjective

1. judicious in one's conduct or speech, esp. with regard to respecting privacy or maintaining silence about something of a delicate nature; prudent; circumspect.
2. showing prudence and circumspection; decorous: a discreet silence.
3. modestly unobtrusive; unostentatious: a discreet, finely wrought gold necklace.

  • Trimester page 10- noun

1. a term or period of three months.
2. one of the three approximately equal terms into which the year is divided by some colleges, schools, etc.

  • Bearable page 14- adjective

–adjective capable of being endured or tolerated; endurable

  • Solitude page 19- noun

1. the state of being or living alone; seclusion: to enjoy one's solitude.
2. remoteness from habitations, as of a place; absence of human activity: the solitude of the mountains.
3. a lonely, unfrequented place: a solitude in the mountains

  • Perennial page 19- adjective

1. lasting for an indefinitely long time; enduring: her perennial beauty.
2. (of plants) having a life cycle lasting more than two years.
3. lasting or continuing throughout the entire year, as a stream.
4. perpetual; everlasting; continuing; recurrent.

–noun 5. a perennial plant: Daffodils and tulips are perennials.
6. something that is continuing or recurrent.

  • Liberated page 21- verb

 1. to set free, as from imprisonment or bondage.
2. to free (a nation or area) from control by a foreign or oppressive government.
3. to free (a group or individual) from social or economic constraints or discrimination,
esp. arising from traditional role expectations or bias.4. to disengage; set free from combination, as a gas.
5. Slang. to steal or take over illegally: The soldiers liberated a consignment of cigarettes.

  • Emancipated page 21- adjective

1. not constrained or restricted by custom, tradition, superstition, etc.: a modern, emancipated woman.
2. freed, as from slavery or bondage.

  • Insolent page 24adjective

1. boldly rude or disrespectful; contemptuously impertinent; insulting: an insolent reply. 
noun 2. an insolent person.

  • Extremists page 24- noun

1. a person who goes to extremes, esp. in political matters.
2. a supporter or advocate of extreme doctrines or practices.
adjective 3. belonging or pertaining to extremists.

  • Volition page 25- noun

1. the act of willing, choosing, or resolving; exercise of willing: She left of her own volition.
2. a choice or decision made by the will.
3. the power of willing; will.

  • Indignant  page 26- adjective

1. feeling, characterized by, or expressing strong displeasure at something considered unjust, offensive, insulting, or base: indignant remarks; an indignant expression on his face.

  • Discreet page 27- adjective

1. judicious in one's conduct or speech, esp. with regard to respecting privacy or maintaining silence about something of a delicate nature; prudent; circumspect.
2. showing prudence and circumspection; decorous: a discreet silence.
3. modestly unobtrusive; unostentatious: a discreet, finely wrought gold necklace.

  • Nostalgia page 27- noun

 1. a wistful desire to return in thought or in fact to a former time in one's life, to one's home or homeland, or to one's family and friends; a sentimental yearning for the happiness of a former place or time: a nostalgia for his college days. 
2. something that elicits or displays nostalgia.

  • Contraceptives page 28- adjective

1. tending or serving to prevent conception or impregnation.
2. pertaining to contraception.

–noun 3. a contraceptive device, drug, foam, etc.

  • Platonic page 29- adjective

1. of, pertaining to, or characteristic of Plato or his doctrines: the Platonic philosophy of ideal forms.
2. pertaining to, involving, or characterized by Platonic love as a striving toward love of spiritual or ideal beauty.
3. (usually lowercase) purely spiritual; free from sensual desire, esp. in a relationship between two persons of the opposite sex.
4. (usually lowercase) feeling or professing platonic love: He insisted that he was completely platonic in his admiration.

  • Silhouette page 33- noun

1. a two-dimensional representation of the outline of an object, as a cutout or configurational drawing, uniformly filled in with black, esp. a black-paper, miniature cutout of the outlines of a famous person's face.
2. the outline or general shape of something: the slim silhouette of a skyscraper.
3. a dark image outlined against a lighter background.

–verb (used with object) 4. to show in or as if in a silhouette.
5. Printing. to remove the background details from (a halftone cut) so as to produce an outline effect.

  • Assimilating page 34- verb

1. to take in and incorporate as one's own; absorb: He assimilated many new experiences on his European trip. 
2. to bring into conformity with the customs, attitudes, etc., of a group, nation, or the like; adapt or adjust: to assimilate the new immigrants.
3. Physiology. to convert (food) to substances suitable for incorporation into the body and its tissues.
4. to cause to resemble (usually fol. by to or with).
5. to compare; liken (usually fol. by to or with).
6. Phonetics. to modify by assimilation.

–verb (used without object) 7. to be or become absorbed.
8. to conform or adjust to the customs, attitudes, etc., of a group, nation, or the like: The new arrivals assimilated easily and quickly.
9. Physiology. (of food) to be converted into the substance of the body; be absorbed into the system.
10. to bear a resemblance (usually fol. by to or with).
11. Phonetics. to become modified by assimilation.

–noun 12. something that is assimilated

  • Deformity page 36- noun

1. the quality or state of being deformed, disfigured, or misshapen.
2. Pathology. an abnormally formed part of the body.
3. a deformed person or thing.
4. hatefulness; ugliness

  • Phychological page 37- adjective

1. of or pertaining to psychology.
2. pertaining to the mind or to mental phenomena as the subject matter of psychology.
3. of, pertaining to, dealing with, or affecting the mind, esp. as a function of awareness, feeling, or motivation: psychological play; psychological effect.

  • Peons page 37- noun 

1. (in Spanish America) a farm worker or unskilled laborer; day laborer.
2. (formerly, esp. in Mexico) a person held in servitude to work off debts or other obligations.
3. any person of low social status, esp. one who does work regarded as menial or unskilled; drudge.

  • Solidarity page 38- noun plural-ties

1. union or fellowship arising from common responsibilities and interests, as between members of a group or between classes, peoples, etc.: to promote solidarity among union members.
2. community of feelings, purposes, etc.
3. community of responsibilities and interests.

  • Assimilate page 39-  verbs

–verb (used with object) 1. to take in and incorporate as one's own; absorb: He assimilated many new experiences on his European trip.
2. to bring into conformity with the customs, attitudes, etc., of a group, nation, or the like; adapt or adjust: to assimilate the new immigrants.
3. Physiology. to convert (food) to substances suitable for incorporation into the body and its tissues.
4. to cause to resemble (usually fol. by to or with).
5. to compare; liken (usually fol. by to or with).
6. Phonetics. to modify by assimilation.

–verb (used without object) 7. to be or become absorbed.
8. to conform or adjust to the customs, attitudes, etc., of a group, nation, or the like: The new arrivals assimilated easily and quickly.
9. Physiology. (of food) to be converted into the substance of the body; be absorbed into the system.
10. to bear a resemblance (usually fol. by to or with).
11. Phonetics. to become modified by assimilation.

–noun 12. something that is assimilated

  • Cowardice page 39- noun

lack of courage to face danger, difficulty, opposition, pain, etc.

  • Unbearable page 40–adjective

not bearable; unendurable; intolerable.

  • Unconscious page 40- adjective and noun

–adjective 1. not conscious; without awareness, sensation, or cognition.
2. temporarily devoid of consciousness.
3. not perceived at the level of awareness; occurring below the level of conscious thought: an unconscious impulse.
4. not consciously realized, planned, or done; without conscious volition or intent: an unconscious social slight.
5. not endowed with mental faculties: the unconscious stones.

–noun 6. the unconscious, Psychoanalysis. the part of the mind containing psychic material that is only rarely accessible to awareness but that has a pronounced influence on behavior.

  • Epitome page 41- noun

1. a person or thing that is typical of or possesses to a high degree the features of a whole class: He is the epitome of goodness.
2. a condensed account, esp. of a literary work; abstract.

  • Dignity page 41- noun plurar-ties

1. bearing, conduct, or speech indicative of self-respect or appreciation of the formality or gravity of an occasion or situation.
2. nobility or elevation of character; worthiness: dignity of sentiments.
3. elevated rank, office, station, etc.
4. relative standing; rank.
5. a sign or token of respect: an impertinent question unworthy of the dignity of an answer.
6. Archaic. a. person of high rank or title.
b. such persons collectively

  • Proportions page 46- noun 

1. comparative relation between things or magnitudes as to size, quantity, number, etc.; ratio.
2. proper relation between things or parts: to have tastes way out of proportion to one's financial means.
3. relative size or extent.
4. proportions, dimensions or size: a rock of gigantic proportions.
5. a portion or part in its relation to the whole: A large proportion of the debt remains.
6. symmetry, harmony, or balance: an architect with a sense of proportion.
7. the significance of a thing or event that an objective view reveals: You must try to see these mishaps in proportion.
8. Mathematics. a relation of four quantities such that the first divided by the second is equal to the third divided by the fourth; the equality of ratios. Compare rule of three.
9. Archaic. analogy; comparison.

–verb (used with object) 10. to adjust in proper proportion or relation, as to size, quantity, etc.
11. to balance or harmonize the proportions of.

  • Appeased page 47- verb (use with objects)

1. to bring to a state of peace, quiet, ease, calm, or contentment; pacify; soothe: to appease an angry king.
2. to satisfy, allay, or relieve; assuage: The fruit appeased his hunger.
3. to yield or concede to the belligerent demands of (a nation, group, person, etc.) in a conciliatory effort, sometimes at the expense of justice or other principles.

  • Enduring page 48–adjective

1. lasting; permanent: a poet of enduring greatness. 
2. patient; long-suffering

  • Restraint page 49- noun

1. a restraining action or influence: freedom from restraint.
2. Sometimes, restraints. a means of or device for restraining, as a harness for the body.
3. the act of restraining, holding back, controlling, or checking.
4. the state or fact of being restrained; deprivation of liberty; confinement.
5. constraint or reserve in feelings, behavior, etc.

  • Reprimanded page 50- noun and verb

1. a severe reproof or rebuke, esp. a formal one by a person in authority.
(used with object) 2. to reprove or rebuke severely, esp. in a formal way.

  • Infantile page 51- adjective

1. characteristic of or befitting an infant; babyish; childish: infantile behavior.
2. of or pertaining to infants or infancy: infantile diseases.
3. Physical Geography. youthful (def. 5).

  • Dreaded page 52

–verb (used with object) 1. to fear greatly; be in extreme apprehension of: to dread death.
2. to be reluctant to do, meet, or experience: I dread going to big parties.
3. Archaic. to hold in respectful awe.

–verb (used without object) 4. to be in great fear.

–noun 5. terror or apprehension as to something in the future; great fear.
6. a person or thing dreaded.
7. dreads, Informal. dreadlocks.
8. Informal. a person who wears dreadlocks.
9. Archaic. deep awe or reverence.

–adjective 10. greatly feared; frightful; terrible.
11. held in awe or reverential fear.

  • Excrement page 53- noun

waste matter discharged from the body, esp. feces.

  • Intensified page 54- verb

–verb (used with object) 1. to make intense or more intense.
2. to make more acute; strengthen or sharpen.
3. Photography. to increase the density and contrast of (a negative) chemically.

–verb (used without object) 4. to become intense or more intense.

  • Devastating page 57- adjective

1. tending or threatening to devastate: a devastating fire.
2. satirical, ironic, or caustic in an effective way: a devastating portrayal of society.

  • Inconceivable page 60-adjective

1. not conceivable; unimaginable; unthinkable
2. unbelievable; incredible.

  • Dignified page 63- adjective

characterized or marked by dignity of aspect or manner; stately; decorous: dignified conduct.

  • Imbecile page 63- adjective and noun

–noun 1. Psychology. a person of the second order in a former classification of mental retardation, above the level of idiocy, having a mental age of seven or eight years and an intelligence quotient of 25 to 50.
2. a dunce; blockhead; dolt.

–adjective 3. mentally feeble.
4. showing mental feebleness or incapacity.
5. stupid; silly; absurd.
6. Archaic. weak or feeble.

  • Decadence page 65- noun

1. the act or process of falling into an inferior condition or state; deterioration; decay: Some historians hold that the fall of Rome can be attributed to internal decadence.
2. moral degeneration or decay; turpitude.
3. unrestrained or excessive self-indulgence.
4. (often initial capital letter) the decadent movement in literature.

  • Deplorable page 71- adjective

1. causing or being a subject for grief or regret; lamentable: the deplorable death of a friend.
2. causing or being a subject for censure, reproach, or disapproval; wretched; very bad: This room is in deplorable order. You have deplorable manners!

  • Modesty page 78- nouns plural-ties

1. the quality of being modest; freedom from vanity, boastfulness, etc.
2. regard for decency of behavior, speech, dress, etc.
3. simplicity; moderation.

Don't Get It Twisted by Hosbel Hernandez


Natasha Figueroa, Hennessy Rodriguez, Jason Martinez, Angel Toribio(bisexual), Lianne Garcia

Amaryllis Hernandez, Linda Henriquez, Le Marie Dominguez, Dominique Vargas

Eddie Tejada, Jaylen Nuñez, Nick Taylor, Kenny De la Cruz

Gianna Pichardo , Bridgit Alejo, Naisa Bermudez, Karla Henriquez 

Amaryllis and Natasha in the phone having an argument

Natasha: You are a two-faced, I can't stand your behavior anymore

Amaryllis: What are you talking about ? How I'm being a two-face? explain yourself honey

Natasha: Perfect example, you never gave me attitude like you just did right now. What is wrong with you? you are not the girl I met two years ago you changed so much since you started hanging out with those brats 

Amaryllis:  Listen, I don't even imitate them or nothing at all. You are probably jealous because I'm recently hanging out with them and not with you

Natasha: Oh no! you can hang out with them whenever you want that doesn't bother me. I'm just worried that those girls are changing the way you are, you are walking in the wrong path.. those girls are no good.. no wonder they call themselves the " Wicked Girls" 

Amaryllis: Or maybe you just didn't receive enough information about me in the last two years

Natasha: Ohh! you are just a bitch! byee! I don't even want to talk to you anymore . Adios

Amaryllis: Oh well, hasta la vista! I feel bad for you that you need to see my face again for the rest of this year and senior year

Natasha: yeahh! that breaks my heart! I cant stand you. very depressing 

Amaryllis: Maldita Puta!


Lunch Table Conversation

Natasha:  You guys were right, Amaryllis changed she was a total vulgar with me yesterday 

Jason: No wonder, she didnt even kiss me this morning... what are the wicked hoes doing to her.. poor Amaryllis

Hennessy: Probably they giving her weed

Jason: you such a fool!

Hennessy: Oh Jason, you never know.. this world is getting stinky

Natasha: (laughs) I hope you guys don't betray me like she did

Hennessy: Never baby! Never

Jason: aww look who's coming, she's gorgeous

Hennessy: Why are you looking at that butterball

Natasha: butterball? (laughs) she so fat that she makes free Willy look like a goldfish

Jason: you so corney! and anyways I'm not talking about C'asia.. Im talking about that good looking girl

Hennessy: eww! Linda! ohh gross.

Natasha: (laughs) Linda so skinny she inspires crack whores to diet and her bra fits better if she wears it backwards

Hennessy: haha! good one baby!

Jason: I call that one, CORNEY! but good try

Hennessy: Why isn't Amaryllis with her?

Jason: Amaryllis is with the other two behind

Hennessy: they walk my slow, they just love to show off and get attention

Jason: Hennessy shut up because you love to do that too

Hennessy: no mi amor, I don't need to do that to get attention

Linda: Hey pretty Jasona!

Jason: (Blushing) Hey lindo

Linda: It's Linda you fag

Hennessy: His name is Jason, so get it right

Linda: Hi there, I'm linda a human being, what are you?

Natasha:  dike she has games, bendito! 

Linda: aww Natasha your sweet! all day I thought of you

Jason: your the fag

Linda: shut up Jason, umm yea Natasha I was at the Zoo

Natasha: I've only got one nerve left, and you're getting on it.

Linda: Nice to ride in it, by the way.. don't mess with Amaryllis .. or you just gonna deal with me

Jason: Excuse me Linda, are your parents siblings...

Hennessy: Finally you realize how ugly she is, ay dios mio..

Linda: ohh noo! fuck you 

Natasha: Tell Amaryllis that I said Hi

Linda: Oh yes you got it twisted, it's war

To be Continue.........

Dominican Myths & Legends

Halloween is around the corner so I was thinking that it would be a nice Idea if I share some Dominican Republic myths and legends that I searched up. They are very interesting and some of them might be true, believe it or not

El Dia de La Vispera se acerca y estaba pensando enseñarle unos mitos y legendas de La Republica Dominicana que encontre. Son muy interesantes y algunas de los mitos/legenda pueden ser reales, crea o no.


The Nimitas/ Fireflies

Nimitas are a very common sight in the country around the open fields in Dominican Republic. Their bright tail light is used to attract their mate. Superstition here says that the Nimitas are the souls of the dead who are watching out for their loved ones still living. they shine their light reminding all who see that they are there always there....watching.


Chupacabra/ Goat Sucker or Evil thing.

The chupacabra is (supposedly) alien in origin and was brought here by a UFO. It is a living creature that looks like a hunched alien with a line of sharp spikes down the middle of it's back exactly where the spine is located. It has grey skin that is part fur and part feather. It's short arms have long nasty claws and it's legs are like a kangaroos. It is said to be about 4 feet tall when standing erect. This grey being has huge red elongated glowing eyes, the better to see you with. They are said to be very powerful and people have reported seeing the chupacabra fly.

Creatures fitting this description were said to first be spotted in Puerto Rico in the mid-1990s. Also a few years later the chupacabra started showing up in Mexico, South Florida, Central America, and South America including Dominican Republic. Although few people have actually claimed to seeing a real chupacabra many claim to have seen the works of this blood sucking alien being. Many domestic animals (cattle, goats, etc) that have been found dead with two holes on their neck. Their their blood drained and their organs sucked out as well.

Whether such a creature exists is a great topic of debate. Some of the happenings are probably pranks, yet there is a possibility of such a creature living with no humans ever encountering it. Some people think it could be a bat-like creature.It is said that the goat sucker will also pray on sleeping humans. So, try not to sleep to soundly. You never know what type of alien being may be lurking, waiting. Waiting to take your blood.

Los Biembiens

The legend of the Biembiens started in the XVIII century. It is said these beings are located in the mountains of Bahoruco. An African slave and some Indians ran from their Spanish enslavers. They transformed into wild beings after a time and became legendary.

The Biembiens only language are grunt-like sounds. Their short, deformed and ugly bodies are unclothed and they are not very friendly beings. These creatures are very agile climbers of both trees and mountains. They can attack alone of in groups. After dark they come out of their hiding places to search for food. Like the Ciguapa they also leave backwards tracks to protect themselves from being discovered. They do eat humans, mainly the entrails and also use humans as sacrifices.

So, if you are walking in the mountains and you hear unusual growls and gurgling knowing it is not your stomach. Run, don't walk. Remember, here in Dominican Republic we have no wild animals. If you hear this it can only be a roaming Biembien, looking for it's next victim.....

El Galipote-El Gualipote/ dog-like creature & El Lugaru-El Zangano/ flying creatures

These legendary magical creatures are said to be men who can become animals. Galipote can also become inanimate objects, like tree trunks and stones. He can transfer his desires to animals and in this way can make the animal do his wishes. According to the belief galipotes are cruel and violent They are very strong and bullets do not hurt them. It is said they like to cause havoc by frightening people traveling in the night. They do not permit the person to pass and helping helping people to get lost.

It is difficult not to find a Galipote when traveling in the country so it is good to carry a protective amulet and to cross yourself often to protect yourself from these beings. Galipote can become a dog. A Galipote that becomes dog is called a lugaru from the French word that means Man-Wolf. It can also fly like a bird. This high flying, nocturnal bird is called zangano or zancu. It is said that this being sucks the blood of the children during the nights and will also have sexual activities with infants. It can also become invisible. The only way to kill one of these beings is to get a branch and make a palo de cruz/ wooden cross. This wood can only be cut on Good Friday. Some say you must use a knife or machete that has been blessed with water and salt.

There still are Galipotes (also spelt Gualipotes) in existence according to some of the residents of San Juan de la Maguana located in the southern part of the country. Families tell stories of how relatives were known Galipotes. To become a Galipote one must make a pact with the devil himself, selling their soul for the ability to change ones self into another form. There are recent stories coming from the Palma Sola Massacres of 1962 that says the survivors of this massacre were Galipotes. They were able to change themselves into elements of the environment such as rocks, trees, or animals. In this way the soldiers were not able to see them to eradicate them and thus came about their survival.


The ciguapa is a magical being, beautiful in appearance to some, horrendous to others. All say they are wild creatures and are compared to a mermaid. Beautiful and cruel, not quite human yet innocent. They are said to have brown skin and black eyes. With smooth, glossy hair flowing the length of their naked bodies, covering them as if it a long beautiful gown. they are very deceitful and are always waiting in ready to capture the wayward traveler.

She is said to be such a spectacular beauty that men followed her into the forest even though following her tracks were very difficult as her footprints pointed in the opposite direction (the backward feet are found in ancient traditions to signify death, entry into the land of no return). Even thought it was difficult she was followed because of the promise that a beautiful woman was waiting.

Children are told if they stand by the shore facing the sea and yell "María la O, María la O, tu madre es puta y la mía no!", a big wave will break and take you to drown in the sea.

So remember, if you do come across a Ciguapa do not look into its eyes. She will bewitch you and you forever will be under her power......

*The 'cigua' is the national bird (cigua palmera) It is a Taino word. 'Ciguatera' is something we get from eating contaminated ('red tide' algae) fish?

Parents to this day scare their children with tales of these people that can change their shape at will. "If you be bad and don't listen a Galipote will get you!"

So, when you are roaming in the campo at night, be sure to carry your wooden cross. Better yet, just don't be traveling in the campo after dark. You may never find your way home.....


Bruja/ Witch

The legend of the Brujas in the Dominican Republic comes from Europe, that even conserves the echoes of the medieval beliefs as an older person dies. Our witches are old deformed women, perverse and night dwellers. They do fly on brooms but they prefer changing into large birds. In this form they can fly closer to houses and yell with loud squawking sounds. It is said that the witches removes its skin before flying and keep it in soaking in a tintature. When they take to flight they are said to say "Without God nor Santa Maria!". People say they have heard the Bruja during flight laughing and singing in a hideous voice.

When the witches rest they do so under the branches of the platano tree. The witches will suck the blood of the children either from the navel or the big toe. It is said that a Bruja will not attack the children of its own friends or if they are twins.

The only way one can catch a bruja is to knock her down. The "tumbadores" are said to be the only ones that are able to fall a witch because only they know the special orations and rituals. After a witch is caught one must wait for dawn. Only when the sun rises and the witches enchantment is broken can their true identity be discovered.

So be careful, when it rains or when the day is couldy. There could be a Bruja hiding in some dark corner or maybe even sleeping under your platano tree...
Los Indios De Las Augas/ The Indians of the Waters

These Indians are the fabulous beings who inhabit caves. Be they the submerged caves of rivers and lakes or inside the mountain caves. It is said that these were groups of escaped Taino Indians who kept up their old traditions and ways. In order to do this they had to stay hidden. These Indians are said to be very beautiful, especially the woman, because of her dark eyes, smooth black hair, and cinnamon colored skin. These beautiful women leave the waters on the nights of the full moon to detangle their long hair with gold combs.

Some say they do not bother people and are quite generous. They share their knowledge of natural medicines and possess old and powerful magic. Others say that they are dangerous and fear to bathe in deep waters and unknown areas. Some say the indios de las aguas leave their caves to look for the men who may wander near. These men are taken to their caverns never to be seen again. The children are warned not to sneak off to the "Pools of the Indians" because they may be taken by these Indians also never to be seen again.


According to the Dominican Republic history at the end of the 18th century there existed an assassin whose crimes were so blood thirsty he was named the People Eater. He is said to look like an Indian with long black hair and small features. His body is well proportioned according to his size except his feet, which were very small.

For a long time the people were terrified of Comegente because his crimes were so atrocious and horrifying. The story is told that he went to Haiti to learn the ways of witchcraft. He could be in many places at one time. He was able to cross the entire country in a night by using supernatural means. It is said he killed his victims using some sort of club. He was not able to be caught once his feet touched water because when this occurred he immediately disappeared. He always left a putrid and nauseating scent in his wake.

It is said that finally the people decided to search for this assassin. He was finally trapped by a farmer who lived in the country using a rattan witch basket (bejuco de brujas). The farmer tied up the Comegente and took him to the capital where he was condemned to death and executed.

Today it is said that he still roams the country side with club in hand...



Jupio or Hupio is an Indian work for dead men come to life. The Jupia is the feminine version of the same. She was a spirit or ghost of the air who only appeared in the night and in the form of a human. This spirit resembled a human in all ways with one exception, it did not have a navel. The jupia did not have a navel because it was not born of a woman.

Today this indigenous legend is still said to be seen by farmers and people who live away from civilization. Jupia is a ghost woman who visits, riding on a dark horse. Quietly. In the darkest night. Roaming through the open fields....

El Cuco

El cuco is a mythical monster whose origins can be traced to Spain. The legend of El Cuco is used through out Spain and Latin America as a fright tool to make children go to sleep. It is very similar to the Boogy Man in USA. There is no real description of this mythical being. It is as if he has no form or shape. It is just a being that is more felt than seen. Parents and grandparents alike tell the children if they do not go to sleep and fast that El Cuco will come and take them.

So be careful if you can't sleep and you see a shadow passing near your bed. It could be El Cuco....


Duendes or Los Menos

These mythical beings are very similar to elves. They are very mischievous creatures that like to play jokes on people. They can be both good and bad creatures all depending on their moods. Small but noisy, they can be very bothersome. They are many times blamed for strange noises in a home. Duendes are known to drop stones on porches just to annoy. They can be heard running in the night and like to giggle and laugh loudly. Duendes like to make things disappear, move things around or change them completely. If a fire in the hearth goes out, gets too high or sparks it is always the fault of a duende. They are just a big nuisance.

Los Menos seem to prefer nature and freedom more than being inside but they can live in many places. They like caves, old tree trunks and hidden places under stones. They like hidden corners of a home, in the attic, or in warehouses. They are known to play with crickets and torture butterflies. Always they enjoy dancing by the light of the moon.

Duendes are not tall. They are said to be the size of a small boy. It may have the height of the boy but its face is wrinkled like an old man. They usually wear some type of red clothing and usually can be found in groups of no more than five. Even though they travel in groups they are almost impossible to be seen. They are invisible to humans only unless they want to be seen. They make themselves visible usually only when there is no sun or at dawn. It is said that only children and simple minded people can see them and when they do it usually makes them cry.

Los Menos are known to take children that are not baptized. If they do take a child, usually it is a boy. They will take the child deep into the mountains or countryside and turn this child into one of them. If the child has been baptized and they took it by accident, they will set it free in the mountains where there are no people. Here the child will roam and get lost.

So, if you feel that there is someone watching you from the darkness. Maybe you see a quick flicker of eyes in the dark. You could be being watched by an unseen Duende, waiting to see what trouble he can cause you....


Sirens (Sirenia in Latin means mermaid)

The Sirens have been around since man started exploring the world by sea. Ancient maps have drawings of sea serpents and mermaids. Cristóbal (Christopher) Columbus men saw Sirens. In recent times a mermaid is portrayed as being beautiful but in this time they were said to be ugly. Columbus wrote in one of his journals "[A crewman] saw three mermaids, who rose very high from the sea, but they are not so beautiful as they are painted, though to some extent they have a human appearance about the face."

Sirens are said to lead sea men astray with their singing and womanly shapes. This was done by enchanting the mortal if they stopped to listen to the song. If a man listens to the song of a siren they will never return to their family again. It has been said that entire ships crews were enchanted and this is why they were lost at sea forever. Ships run ashore and sometimes entire crews are said to have been suffocated by these mythical creatures of the sea. Even spotting a siren is very bad luck.

It is thought that these sirens or mermaids were really Manatees. The tails of mermaids in the drawings are the same as a manatees. Maybe the long hair is attributed to the way manatees rise from the water and have sea weeds hanging off them. They could look like they are trying to embrace a man as they embrace their young in the same way a woman might embrace a man. Yet, for a man to see a woman in a 2000 pound manatee is way out there for sure. Could it be that being at sea too long he wanted a woman so bad that he was hallucinating? Men long ago did like a more voluptuous woman, but for them to think a manatee was a woman is pushing it a bit.

So, if your a man at sea and yearning for a woman beware when one rises out of the sea and starts singing to you. Don't fall prey. Get to a doctor and fast to be treated for hallucinations. Because if you succumb you may never return to life as you know it....

My Dancing Experience

I been dancing for quite few years now,

and I may not have an excellent technique but I do work on it.

My dancing comes from deep inside.. I like to express myself because dance is my art

... my art that doesn't need to be explained. 

so here how my dancing started.........

In the 5th grade, I started ballroom dancing and that's when I fall in Love with Dance. then I audition for a middle school that had the Alvin Ailey Dance Program in it.

For the next three years I had the opportunity to work with some very good teachers as well as choreographers to improve my skills.

 I enjoy the middle school years because it was the first time I was introduce to different kind of dancing such as African Dance, Jazz. Ballet and Modern and Horton!  

This Middle school IS528 has been the biggest impact in my life

... I started dancing because of the opportunity this school offered me and I feel so thankful.

Wow, now I feel speechless because those years were great and that's when my passion for dance begun..

In the year 2008, I audition for Talent Unlimited High for the performing arts and I got accepted. I'm now a Sophomore at the school and still taking dance classes which is amazing! right???? well, Freshman Year I took three periods of dance class every morning at 8:15 Monday-Friday!.. My favorite type of Dance I will say is Modern and Horton because you can express yourself and you can show your personality with the type of movement you create! when I grow up I would like to be a chroagrapher or found a Dance Company because I seriously think that some kids are very Talented in this world but sometimes money needs to stop they from doing things they would like to do.  Money is very complicated because my family is not rich and to take Dance classes outside of school to get better technique while getting one in school as well needs a lot of money. I would like to found my own Dance Company when I'm older and name is Bellz Dance Company because I feel like I need to give the opportunity to kids like me to follow their dreams.... and it's my dream to make people follow they're dream so If I do this in the future... I would feel soo happy!! because I know dance is the best way to express everything you feel..



English with Ms Pelosi

         Well, guess what happen to me in the summer of 2009?  I was stuck in New York City.. why? Because I felled English and needed my credits so I attended Summer School. Freshman Year I felt so lost in English class, I didn't understand a bit. It wasn't English for me it was more like Chinese or Japanese.  This year I don't want the same thing to happen because I don't want summer school again. So, I'm going to work my hardest to pass this class because is very important and I need the credits. English was very advance freshman year because in the 8th grade I was taking English as my second language and to move on to an advance English so fast it was complicated. 

    I'm a Sophomore now and is like the second week of school already. I still have the same English teacher that failed me, well I failed myself because It was me not paying attention but I promise that I'm going to work my hardest to succeed in this class, I really am. I want to make myself proud and with a high score in English it would mean a lot. So we started working on Word Demons and we taking quizzes every Friday starting this one.. Today is a Wednesday  so I have twenty minutes before I finish this post to study the twenty Demon Words and after I'm going to sleep.  I have the whole day tomorrow to study and I think I'm a little ready.. the words are kind off easy but I do not even want one mistake because she will marked it wrong if you have one letter missing or misplaced. I'm positive about this examination and I will let you know my score here, Bad or Good! because I'm honest, I don't hide anything from anyone... I'm a human being, I also make mistake.

The first twenty Words for the little Exams are :

  1. Absence 
  2. Absolutely
  3. Accidentally
  4. Accommodate
  5. Achievement
  6. Acknowledge
  7. Acquaintance
  8. Adequate 
  9. Again
  10. Always
  11. Ambiguous 
  12. Among
  13. Analysis
  14. Ancestor
  15. Announcement
  16. Answer
  17. Anticipate
  18. Antique
  19. Anxious
  20. Apology

But she's only choosing 10 for the first Exam.

Platos Dominicanos

My favorite type of food is the Dominican and not only because It's my country is because the food is fucking delicious :d 

trust me, you will like if you just try this extremely food out! 8] I promise you that you won't regret it 

here are so pictures de mis platos favoritos de la Republica Dominicana! que viva Quisqueya La Bella! 


Meet my Surroundings

Here are some pictures ! 
Washington Heights and Harlem!
I love my Neighborhoods

Best Friends

This is my best friend Julia, I love her. we became best friend since Oct 5, 2008.. yes Julia I save all my best friends date if you didn't know. In my Julia's birthday I got mad at her because she did something to me in Social Studies...actually it was Chris and Her making fun of me, but oh well.. yes Julia I have good memory... and I wont let Chris or You make fun of me ever again.. but yea I love you.. =] but I don't want you to do hookah anymore, I know you did it I'm not stupid -_- actually, you did it several times!!  but I still love you, I know you will listen to me and wont do it again. My best friend and I met a friend from Vanguard, ha he's a jerk I don't like himmm.. but I dont care... btw manny's a buttface! haha! Julia you know it.. it was just using us because he didn't have friends at that time... yeaa!!... well w.e next... hahaha I can't stop laughing at what my best friend did with her other three friendss... Alyssa and Vincent and Chris!!! they were stealing shit from stores in downtown... hahaha and Alyssa got caught ( I felt so bad for her though) Chris didn't... he left with his stolen shit and didnt care about Alyssa a bit.. she was in the store.. the guard called her mom and she needed to pick her up.. good times good times...!!  I've been to Julia's house deep in queens in Forest damn hills... but I like that placeee.. maybe someday I would move close to her.. nahhh!! to quiet! lmaooo just kidding... umm umm I like Forest Hills... is sounds like the name of a street in a mysterious book. Everytime I've go to her house her bird is always on my head or in back of me and I freaked out.. naw really!!  is very cute actually... but I make julia take it away from me... Umm also I eat all her shit on her refrigerator because I'm cool like that.  ummm so now you should know some things about Julia.. I would seriously want to share this information with you people because Julia is a great human being and she deserves this piece of writing.. well is a piece of art because I'm writing it deep from my heart . Julia is Brazilian! her food is actually very good. She's a drama major @ Talent Unlimited High school... that's why she's always getting in trouble with the deann..Drama Majors are mad loud and od Hyped.. but I love her...Juliaa is very special in my life... she means EVERYTHING... and when I say EVERYTHING I really mean it... ummm Julia is my best friend, my diaryy.. yes you could say that... she's one of the persons that truelys understands me...umm yes I met Julia's mom before and she's the bestt MOM ever!!... I love her so muchh...we went to the movie theaters...but then we couldn't go in because it was full ! lmaoo funny day though.. I had so muchh fun Julia..but I've haven't forgotten that your mom promise me that she's going to take us soon.. Your the best Julia.. I would never ask for someone better than you because you are just perfect.. well you are not perfect. because you are a human being.. but I still love you and always will...because of who you are!! and your one of my friends that trulys knows the real me and understands me very well... you are just right..better than right..!! you are good money <3 

              She's one of my best friends, we met each other in middle school thebeginning of six grade and since then I knew that me & her would be mad tight!  At first many people didn't like her because she was very feisty also meaning fierce, but I didn't pay no mind to the others because I'm not a follower. Belysa Beltre is a very good dancer, you should see her dancing hip-hop! wowers, she don't play she goes hard core. Well, Belysa goes to Repertory Company High School for the performing arts and that's awesome because she wants to continue her dreams. Also talking about dreams she's a very good model and she's going to make it very far one day =] she lives very close from where I live and that's cool.Theres a lot of good things I can say about this girl, but I think its just too much so I'm going to end up saying my last few sentences. Belysa also known as Beba is the most caring person in the whole world, she defends all her friends every possible way.Her birthday is coming up in October and I'm not going to miss her birthday party and her halloween haunted house.

Belysa Beltre, I love you Best Friend
September 7, 2005
for ever.

I truly love you.

 well, This kid is extremely funny. I've known him ever since I came to the United States. We were in the same elementary school in the same exact class in third grade, four and fifth.  We both audition to the same middle school that had a dance program in it. We both got in and spend three more years together. This kid always made me laugh every single minute, every single second and that's why they separated us in 7th grade because we were always joking around and making fun of people, we were evil.  I still remember the time he got into a paint fight with my other friend Ruby (aww I miss her, wherever shes at.. take care hunn) and there was paint all over.. I even had paint all over my shirt and my face and I was hiding under the table.  I remember when Jose Castillo was gonna fight with me but in the last minute he dicided to fight Richard.... bad decision.. because niggard fuck him up. wow.. we go way back.. he's been like the brother I've never had.. I met like half his family and they are the most sweet Dominicans Ive ever met.. for real .... and His mom... Marissa cooks so damn good... like an expert that works in a restaurant.  He was a entertainment for me and all my classmates.. plus his laugh was so contagious .. damn Rich now that we in highschool I miss you so much because your laugh is so unique and i wont ever hear again in a classroom...but that's good that you doing your carrier as economic and finance....the name of your school!! =] wow.. Richie you was a great performer and you should continue to dance, seriously !

  • Richard Eduardo Gonzalez
  • Frebruary 2, 1994
  • Economics and Finance High School
  • Favorite Color is Blue
  • Twin siblings Cristal and Cristian
  • Younger sister Mariel
  • Marissa [Mother]
  • Eduardo [Father]